One Punch Man Manga Chapter 31
Sitch lets the S-Class heroes know that the meeting will take a long time. Metal Bat asks if the information is important enough to stop him from destroying the headquarters. Sitch reveals the end of the big prophet called Shibabawa who foresaw calamities.
Darkshine thinks that now the heroes can not avoid catastrophes without Shibabawa, but Sitch replies that she foresaw just a part of them. Then Saitama starts asking about Shibabawa and Prisoner Puri-Puri starts explaining her role.
Sitch reveals Shibabawa’s final prophecy: ‘In the next half a year from today a threat towards global unity will be present’ Watchdog Man is skeptical of their capability to do so. Saitama then says it might come true sooner than anyone would have thought.
Soon the superior headquarters become under attack by the Skyfolk alongside with the Sky King. But then an unseen force strikes the Skyfolk harming their plans of attacking.
Characters in Order of Appearance
- Saitama
- Genos
- King
- Puri-Puri Prisoner
- Bang
- Tatsumaki
- Sitch
- Atomic Samurai
- Metal Bat
- Tanktop Master
- Flashy Flash
- Drive Knight
- Zombieman
- Child Emperor
- Watchdog Man
- Superalloy Darkshine
- Pig God
- Shibabawa
- Sky King
- Hawk
- Eagle
- Falcon
- Kite